Terms of Service

By agreeing to this policy prior to initiating the service, customers have accepted the terms and conditions of use provided by HT Moni.

Terms of Service

1. Customer Responsibilities 

The user (purchasing party) shall take full responsibility and ensure to us (the providing party) regarding the use of their Server on the system for lawful purposes. Particularly in the following cases: 

1.1 HT Moni’s services can only be used for purposes that are legally permitted under current laws.  

1.2 Any kind of data that is illegal, threatening, deceptive, malicious, defamatory, offensive, obscene, or prohibited in any other form. 

1.3 Any type of data that constitutes or encourages criminal activities, or data that violates patent, trademark, design rights, copyright, or any other intellectual property rights or the rights of any individual.  

1.4 Do not use HT Moni’s services for purposes such as gambling, betting, lotteries, hacking, destructive attacks (DDoS), fraud, Spam Mail (Spam Email in this case refers to unsolicited electronic mail). If you violate this term, you will be solely responsible under the law without involving us.  

 1.5 Customers are responsible for securing financial-related information on the server (Bitcoin wallet, Paypal, valuable accounts, etc.). HT Moni only provides servers and ensures their stable operation. HT Moni does not encourage and is not responsible for any financial leakage or loss related to unauthorized third-party intrusion into the server.  

 1.6 Users must safely keep their identification information, passwords, or other confidential information related to their accounts, and immediately notify us if any unauthorized access using their account or security vulnerabilities are detected. This includes incidents of loss, theft, or disclosure of password and other security information. 

 1.7 Users must not use programs that could congest or paralyze the system, such as resource depletion, overloading of processors and memory (HACK, DoS, DDoS, Malwares, Viruses, VPN, Coin Mining (also known as Bitcoin mining or other types of cryptocurrencies)… 

1.8 Users are allowed to utilize host resources according to the specifications corresponding to the subscribed service package. However, to ensure the quality of the serving server, the system will automatically detect Servers and Hosts that show signs of excessive system resource abuse (regularly using CPU at high levels, consuming large bandwidth, etc.) and provide appropriate solutions such as: Requesting the customer to reduce the load, the system proactively limiting resources, temporarily suspending the service, or terminating the service… 


2. Rights and Responsibilities of the Provider 

2.1 Ensuring the confidentiality of customer information and the data provided by customers to HT Moni. It is not permitted to disclose information to any third party except when required by authorized agencies or with the customer’s consent. 

2.2While employing possible measures and efforts to ensure the integrity and security of the server, we do not hold responsibility for compensating user data stored on the server in cases of system damage caused by unauthorized users, hackers, or unforeseeable events: natural disasters, fires, hardware failures of the server system. 

2.3 We reserve the right to temporarily suspend the service without prior notice due to violations from the user in the mentioned aspects. If a reopening is desired, the customer must commit to not repeating the violation. In the worst-case scenario, we may be compelled to permanently terminate the service without refund. 

2.4 Prior to the expiration of the service, the system will continually send emails to notify the Customer. If the customer does not renew, the system will automatically cancel the service within 3 days and it cannot be reinstated. We are not responsible if the Customer fails to monitor Email/SMS or provides incorrect information, resulting in the system being unable to deliver notifications. 

2.5 We perform weekly data backups, however, these backups are for our management purposes only. If a user requests a copy, we will provide these backups, but we do not assume responsibility for any incidents involving this data. Therefore, we advise users to regularly back up their data to their computers or storage devices to prevent unfortunate incidents. 


 3. Payment Regulations 

3.1  We guarantee a 100% refund to the customer’s account on our website within 1 week of initiating the service, if the service does not meet the promised commitments. The commitment here is understood as the clear specifications of the Server provided during the initiation. Specifically: 

  • For Virtual Private Server (VPS) services shared from physical server clusters, customers have the right to utilize resources up to the published limits (without violating policies). For instance, if a Virtual Private Server has a configuration of 1 vCPU + 1GB RAM + 30GB SSD + 1Gbps Network, customers can use the provided resources up to their maximum when needed. 
  • For Dedicated Server services, customers have full administrative control over the server they have rented, and they can utilize the hardware load as they see fit, as it will not impact other customers. 


3.2 All services provided are prepaid services. In the event of fraud being detected, customers engaged in fraudulent activities will be immediately suspended/terminated according to HT Moni’s discretion. The selling party reserves the right to reject payments related to fraud (using hacked accounts, theft, or exploiting website bugs or vulnerabilities to make deposits, use services, etc.), and will also notify relevant authorities when necessary. 


3.3 Unused balances in customers’ accounts on the Htmoni.com website will be refunded upon customer request when they no longer require them. Refunds will be processed only based on the Main Account. After receiving the customer’s request, the finance department will verify and execute the refund within a maximum of 30 business days. The transfer fee of the selling party’s bank will be borne by them. 

3.4 Kindly specify the payment purpose when transferring funds to the HT Moni account. The accompanying message when transferring funds only requires the invoice number. 

3.5 Customers are fully responsible for instances of service interruption caused by money transfer transactions with incomplete or inaccurate payment descriptions or without any description, without prior notification to HT Moni. 

3.6 If payment conditions do not allow for entering payment descriptions or if within 48 hours from the payment time, the customer does not receive a confirmation email, please contact Customer Service via the hotline or directly on the website for assistance. 

3.7 Customers are responsible for transaction fees with banks or any additional fees incurred from third parties (if applicable). 

3.8 HT Moni reserves the right to modify the prices for services upon the commencement of the customer’s next payment cycle for that service. Due to bandwidth and computer hardware costs, we anticipate that price increases are generally unnecessary. However, events beyond our control, such as licensing fees, electricity, space, or labor costs changes, alterations to regulations, taxes, fees, or other operational expenses, are inherently unpredictable and could necessitate sudden rate adjustments. 

3.9 Currently, all services are priced in US dollars. HT Moni reserves the right to reprice some or all services in a different currency after notifying affected customers of this change. 


4. Suspension and Termination of Service Usage 

4.1 The services provided by HT Moni will automatically terminate/suspend according to the agreement of both parties or upon the expiration of the service cooperation contract. 

4.2 HT Moni reserves the right to temporarily suspend contract execution or unilaterally terminate the service contract in the following cases: 

4.3 The customer engages in actions that violate the provisions of the Terms of Service while using our products or services. 

4.4 The customer fails to cooperate and provide necessary supplementary documentation. 

4.5 The customer does not renew and pay overdue service fees for HT Moni within a 3-day period from the service expiration date. 


Customer Information Privacy Policy 

1. Customer Information 

HT Moni respects privacy and manages customer information rigorously. 

Customer information includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, contact addresses, and other personal information that customers actively provide or HT Moni collects through valid methods. 

Customer information does not include data about websites and other services the customer is using or storing on the servers provided by HT Moni. 

Information collected from customers by HT Moni is used internally for service provision, communication, notifications, and consultation purposes within the system. HT Moni commits to not share customer information with any third party in any form. 


1.1 Customer Data 

Customer data encompasses website source code, databases, service configurations, and other data provided, self-managed, and stored by the customer on the servers provided by HT Moni. 


1.2 Collecting Customer Information 

Customers can contact HT Moni or access the websites within HT Moni’s management system to fulfill their information-seeking needs about services and can choose not to provide personal information. 

When registering and using HT Moni’s services, customers must provide complete and accurate contact information as required by the Service Usage Regulations. 

When customers access the websites within HT Moni’s management system, we may use certain browser mechanisms (cookies) to support the use of website utilities. Customers can configure their browsers to customize the activation or deactivation of these mechanisms. 

When customers access the websites within HT Moni’s management system, we may store information about the browser, operating system, and network address information (IP) for statistical purposes or access control. Customers can choose alternative contact methods if they do not want HT Moni to store this information.” 


1.3 Collecting Customer Data 


HT Moni does not collect customer data in any form. Customer data must be actively provided by the customer to HT Moni or stored directly by the customer on the servers provided by HT Moni. 


1.4 Information Retention Period 

All customer personal information is securely stored within HT Moni’s internal system throughout the usage of services or until a request for the cancellation of provided information is received from the customer. 


1.5 Customer Data Storage 

HT Moni does not backup or store customer data except in forms that have been deemed necessary for service provision and confirmed by the customer.  

Customer data is stored until the customer ceases to use HT Moni’s services or actively requests data deletion/cancellation. 


Utilization of Customer Information 

HT Moni utilizes the information actively provided by customers or collected through other means for the following purposes:  

  • To compile statistics about the number of website visitors and their level of interest in our service offerings. 
  • To manage account ownership verification information for customer accounts (if customers have registered an account with HT Moni) and to perform customer care operations, including:
  • Processing orders and providing registered website content hosting services and other services within HT Moni’s business scope. 
  • Receiving and responding to inquiries, feedback, support requests, suggestions, or complaints related to service provision. 
  • Providing information about promotional programs, price lists, sales policies, and customer service.” 

HT Moni commits to not advertise services not directly provided by HT Moni or send spam emails for other purposes.  

Users can access and directly edit their personal data through the Htmoni.com website by logging into their registered account and modifying their personal information and data. 

Securing Customer Information and Data 

HT Moni commits to making efforts to implement security measures for safeguarding customer information and data to the best of its abilities, including: 

  • Utilizing encrypted Internet transmission protocols with digital certificates (SSL).  
  • Verifying access rights or modifying customer information through alternative methods in cases where direct Internet access is not available.   

HT Moni is not liable for security incidents or data breaches involving customer information arising from causes beyond HT Moni’s control, including but not limited to instances where customers disclose passwords or experience security breaches through methods unrelated to HT Moni’s services 

HT Moni’s Website System 

The website system of HT Moni refers to the web pages using the main domain name Htmoni.com.  

HT Moni’s websites may contain links to other web pages for informational or supplementary purposes. We do not assume responsibility for the content and privacy policies of these external websites. 

The service shall not be deemed suspended in the following circumstances: 

  • Inaccessibility to the service due to the customer’s network connection issues, DNS errors.
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to user errors or incorrect configurations.
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to user’s network service errors, operating system issues, viruses, spyware, etc.
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to suspension resulting from policy violations or usage of source code that locally affects the system.
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to system file errors. 
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to hardware malfunctions (in case of server hosting or dedicated server rental). 
  • Inaccessibility to the service due to iptables, firewall, service errors on the server during usage.


Claims for Compensation and Resolution Procedures 

To request compensation in cases where HT Moni fails to meet its commitments, customers are kindly requested to send an email to the following address: support@htmoni.com. 

Customers can only submit compensation requests within 7 days from the time of service disruption. Claims submitted after this deadline will be considered null and void. HT Moni reserves the right to reject any complaints. 

The email subject must clearly state ‘Compensation Request According to SLA Commitment.’ 

 Specify the exact date and time of the instances when the service was unavailable. 

Provide the account and IP information of the affected services. 

Include error logs or screenshots captured at the time of the occurrence of the error (Note: sensitive security information should be blurred or replaced with asterisks). Compensation requests that do not provide the above information will not be considered valid. 

Force Majeure 

 In the event of any unforeseeable event beyond the control of either party, such as natural disasters, calamities, floods, fires, earthquakes, strikes, governmental interventions, or any other event that is unforeseeable and uncontrollable, the affected party will be temporarily excused from fulfilling its obligations under this contract, provided that the affected party has taken all necessary measures to prevent, limit, or mitigate the consequences of such event.  

The party affected by a force majeure event is obliged to notify the other party as soon as possible. In case of a force majeure event, the parties shall be exempted from liability for damages.  

 If the force majeure event does not cease within 30 (thirty) working days or a longer period of time and continues to affect the execution of the Service Cooperation Agreement, either party has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement and notify the other party in writing within 10 (ten) working days from the planned termination date.” 

Top of Form 


Changes to the Policy 

The terms of service will be subject to changes and updates to align with different times and types of services. Customers are responsible for regularly monitoring their email or this document to ensure compliance with the specified terms. 

When updating the content of this policy, HT Moni will adjust the timestamp in the ‘last updated’ section on the website. 

Last updated: 01/02/2023